Review of Christ and the Christian

Unpublished 214. Review of Christ and the Christian (typed) [1959. Review of Christ and the Christian, by Nels F.S. Ferré. Christian Today 5 Jan.] CHRISTOLOGY BASED ON AGAPE Christ and the Christian, by Nels F.S. Ferre (Harper, 1958, 253 pp., $3.75) is reviewed by...

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Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor

Unpublished 215. Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor (typed) [1959. Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor, by John A. Fitch. Christianity Today 22 Jun.] ORGANIZED LABOR Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor, by John A. Fitch...

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Review of The Enforcement of Morals

Unpublished 236. Review of The Enforcement of Morals (typed) [1965. Review of The Enforcement of Morals, by Patrick Devlin. Christianity Today 8 Oct.] MORAL WELFARE STATE The Enforcement of Morals, by Patrick Devlin (Oxford, 1965, 139 pp., $4 or 25s.), is reviewed by...

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Review of The Many-Faced Argument

Unpublished 242. Review of The Many Faced Argument (typed) [1968. Review of The Many-Faced Argument, John Hick and Arthur C. Magill, eds. Christianity Today 5 Jan.] ANOTHER LOOK AT ANSELM The Many-Faced Argument, edited by John Hick and Arthur C. McGill (MacMillan,...

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Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas

Unpublished 244. Review of Sacra Doctrina (typed) [1970. Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson. Christianity Today 9 Oct.] DESERVES A PATIENT READING Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson...

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