Review of New Studies in Mystical Religion

Unpublished 265. Review of New Studies in Mystical Religion [The Presbyterian, Nov 24, 1927]   A DEFENSE OF MYSTICISM New Studies in Mystical Religion. By Rufus M. Jones. Macmillan Company, New York: 205 pages: $1.75. Embellished with gems from a wide range of...

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Review of The Hymnody of the Christian Church

DS Clark 21. Review of The Hymnody of the Christian Church (typed) [The Presbyterian, Nov. 24, 1927] HYMNODY OF THE CHURCH The Hymnody of the Christian Church. By Louis F. Benson, D.D. George H. Doran Co.; $2.00. The book contains the lectures given on the Stone...

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Review of Before Behind and Bigger Than the Bible

DS Clark 20. Review of Before Behind and Bigger Than the Bible (typed) [The Presbyterian, Nov. 24, 1927] [This review by David S. Clark appeared on the same as a review by his son, Gordon H. Clark] WHEN THE BIBLE IS MINIMIZED Before, Behind (and Bigger Than) the...

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Paul a Modernist! by David S. Clark

DS Clark 19. Paul a Modernist (typed) [The Presbyterian, June 24, 1926] Paul a Modernist! By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. It is somewhat amusing as well as startling and astonishing to find modernists claiming Paul as one of their number. The modernist denies almost...

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The Reality of Me by David S. Clark

DS Clark 18. The Reality of Me (typed [The Presbyterian, June 25, 1925] The Reality of Me By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. DO I exist, and if so, what am I? Does anything exist other than myself, and if so, how do I know? The questions which are answered by the child and...

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Bodily Resurrection Scientifically Sound By David S. Clark

DS Clark 17. Bodily Resurrection Scientifically Sound (original) DS Clark 17. Bodily Resurrection Scientifically Sound (typed) [The Presbyterian, June 5, 1924] Bodily Resurrection Scientifically Sound By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. THE modernistic denial of a bodily...

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