Review of What about Speaking in Tongues?

Unpublished 258. Review of What About Speaking In Tongues (original) [1967. Review of What about Speaking in Tongues?, by Anthony A. Hoekema. The Gordon Review (Winter).] What about speaking in tongues. By Anthony A. Hoekema. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, Pub. Co., 1966....

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Review of the Principles of Christian Ethics

Unpublished 260. Review of The Principles of Christian Ethics (typed) [1944 Review of The Principles of Christian Ethics, by Albert C. Knudson. Westminster Theological Journal. 214-215.]   Albert C. Knudson: The Principles of Christian Ethics. New York and...

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Comments on Mr. Verduin’s Essay (contributor)

Unpublished 189. Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay (typed) [1965. Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay. Christianity Today 21 May.] COMMENTS ON MR. VERDUIN'S ESSAY All evangelicals believe that man is a created being, but we have varied ideas on unrevealed details of how God...

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Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay (contributor)

Unpublished 189. Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay (typed) [1965. Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay. Christianity Today 21 May.] COMMENTS ON MR. VERDUIN'S ESSAY All evangelicals believe that man is a created being, but we have varied ideas on unrevealed details of how God...

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Language and Logic by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 253. Language and Logic (typed)   [1957. Language and Logic, The Gordon Review Vol. III No. 4 Dec.] LANGUAGE AND LOGIC GORDON H. CLARK I In a previous article, “Logic and Language” (The Gordon Review, II [February, 1956, 3- 9), I dealt most sketchily...

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