Review of Revolt Against Heaven

Unpublished 251. Review of Revolt Against Heaven (typed) [1966. Review of Revolt Against Heaven, by Kenneth Hamilton. The Gordon Review (Spring)]   Revolt Against Heaven, by Kenneth Hamilton. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1965. 193 pp. $2.45 (Paper). Written...

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Cosmic Time by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 250. Cosmic Time (typed) [1956. Cosmic Time, The Gordon Review Vol. II No. 3 Sep.: 94.]   COSMIC TIME: A CRITIQUE OF THE CONCEPT IN HERMAN DOOYEWEERD GORDON H. CLARK Now that the English translation of A New Critique of Theoretical Thought...

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Luther and Rome by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 195. Luther and Rome (typed) [1964. Luther and Rome. Christianity Today 27 Mar.] Luther and Rome Dr. Norman V. Hope, the distinguished professor of church history at Princeton Theological Seminary, seems to be totally unaware that his argument... is an...

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Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant!

Unpublished 249. Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant (typed) [1975. Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant!, by Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. (“Toronto Scholarship”), Blue Banner Faith and Life (Jul.-Sep.). Reproduced by Permission of...

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Review of The Challenge of Our Age

Unpublished 248. Review of The Challenge of Our Age (typed) [1974. Review of The Challenge of Our Age, by Hendrik Hart. Blue Banner Faith and Life (Oct.- Dec). Reproduced by Permission of Crown and Covenant Publications] THE CHALLENGE OF OUR AGE, by Hendrik Hart. The...

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Review of The History of Religions

Unpublished 217. Review of The History of Religions (typed) [1960. Review of The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology, Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds. Christianity Today 15 Feb.] SCIENTIFIC BUT BIASED The History of Religions, Essays in Methodology,...

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