Review of the Essence of Plotinus

Unpublished 246. Review of The Essence of Plotinus (typed) [1935. Review of The Essence of Plotinus, by Grace H. Turnball. The New Scholasticism Jan.] The Essence of Plotinus. By Grace H. Turnball. New York: Oxford University Press, 1934. Pp. Viii + 303. This book...

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Review of Aristotle’s Theory of the Infinite

Unpublished 245. Review of Aristotle's Theory of the Infinite (typed) [1935. Review of Aristotle’s Theory of the Infinite, by Abraham Edel. The New Scholasticism. Jan.] Aristotle’s Theory of the Infinite. By Abraham Edel. New York: Columbia University Press, 1934. Pp....

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Assault upon the Living God

Unpublished 188. Assault Upon the Living God (typed) [1968. Assault upon the Living God (Contributor). Christianity Today 15 Mar.] Assault Upon the Living God Three well-known American religious spokesmen here discuss implications and overtones of current God-is-dead...

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Reviews of Niebuhr

Unpublished 216. Reviews of Niebuhr (typed) [1960. Review of Essays in Applied Christianity, by Reinhold Niebuhr. Christianity Today 4 Jan. and 1960. Review of The Social Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Theodore Minnema. Christianity Today 4 Jan.] CONTEMPORARY ETHICS...

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Review of A Defence of Theological Ethics

Unpublished 238. Review of A Defence of Theological Ethics (typed) [1966. Review of A Defence of Theological Ethics, by G.F. Woods. Christianity Today 16 Sep.] A Defence of Theological Ethics. by G.F. Woods (Cambridge, 1966, 136 pp., $3.95) is reviewed by Gordon H....

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Review of Issues in Science and Religion

Unpublished 239. Review of Issues in Science and Religion (typed) [1966. Review of Issues in Science and Religion, by Ian G. Barbour. Christianity Today 28 Oct.] Issues in Science and Religion. By Ian G. Barbour (Prentice-Hall, 1966, 470 pp., $7.95) is reviewed by...

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