Review of The Humanity of God

Unpublished 218. Review of The Humanity of God (typed) [1960. Review of The Humanity of God, by Karl Barth. Christianity Today 25 Apr.] A CONTINUALLY DEVELOPING THEOLOGY The Humanity of God, by Karl Barth (John Knox Press, 1960, 96 pp., $2.50), is reviewed by Gordon...

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Review of Relativism, Knowledge and Faith

Unpublished 219. Review of Relativism, Knowledge and Faith (typed) [1960. Review of Relativism, Knowledge and Faith, by Gordon D. Kaufman. Christianity Today 20 Jun.] DEFENSE OF RELATIVISM Relativism, Knowledge, and Faith, by Gordon D. Kaufman (University of Chicago...

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Review of The School of Faith

Unpublished 220. Reivew of The School of Faith (typed)   [1960. Review of The School of Faith, by Thomas F. Torrance. Christianity Today 4 Jul.] CATECHISMS AND THEOLOGY The School of Faith, by Thomas. F. Torrance (Harper, 1959, 298 pp., $6), is reviewed by Gordon...

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Review of In The Twilight of Western Thought

Unpublished 221. Review of In The Twilight of Western Thought (typed) [1960. Review of In the Twilight of Western Thought, by Herman Dooyeweerd. Christianity Today 29 Aug.] MODES OF THOUGHT In the Twilight of Western Thought, by Herman Dooyeweerd (The Presbyterian and...

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Review of the Limits of Reason

Unpublished 222. Review of The Limits of Reason (typed) [1961. Review of The Limits of Reason, by George Boas. Christianity Today (May 8).] FAVORING THE NONRATIONAL The Limits of Reason, by George Boas (Harper, 1961, 162 pp., $3.75), is reviewed by Gordon H. Clark,...

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Review of Deliverance to the Captives

Unpublished 223. Review of Deliverance to the Captives (typed) [1961. Review of Deliverance to the Captives, by Karl Barth. Christianity Today 5 Jun..]   KARL BARTH: TEACHER AND PREACHER Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, by Karl Barth (John Knox Press,1960, 173...

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