Review of Persons in Relation

Unpublished 224. Review of Persons in Relation (typed) [1961. Review of Persons in Relation, by John MacMurray. Christianity Today 22 Dec.] I THINK? I DO? Persons in Relation, by John Macmurray (Harper, 1961, 235 pp., $5), is reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Professor of...

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Review of Divine Perfection

Unpublished 225. Review of Divine Perfection (typed) [1962. Review of Divine Perfection: Possible Ideas of God, by Frederick Sontag. Christianity Today 13 Apr.] FROM PLATO TO HEGEL Divine Perfection: Possible Ideas of God, by Frederick Sontag (Harper, 1962, 158 pp.,...

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Science and Causality by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 226. Science and Causaility (typed) [1962. Science and Causality, Christianity Today Apr 27). - A response to letters to the editor regarding Clark's “Bultmann's Three-Storied Universe” including one from Vivian Dow, Professor of Philosophy at Boston...

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Review of Conscience and Its Rights to Freedom

Unpublished 227. Review of Conscience and Its Rights to Freedom (typed) [1962. Review of Conscience and Its Rights to Freedom, by Eric D’Arcy. Christianity Today Apr 27).] THE RIGHT TO BE WRONG Conscience and Its Rights to Freedom, by Eric D'Arcy (Sheed & Ward,...

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Review of Act and Being

Unpublished 228. Review of Act and Being (typed) [1962. Review of Act and Being, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Christianity Today 22 Jun.] AS A MAN IS ... Act and Being, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Harper, 1961, 192 pp., $3) is reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Professor of...

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Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture

Unpublished 229. Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture (typed) [1962. Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture, by Klaas Runia. Christianity Today 6 Jul.] BARTH, DOOYEWEERD, RUNIA Karl Barth's Doctrine of Holy Scripture, by Klass Runia (Eerdmans,...

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