Review of Karl Barth's Doctrine of Holy Scripture

Unpublished 229. Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture (typed) [1962. Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture, by Klaas Runia. Christianity Today 6 Jul.] BARTH, DOOYEWEERD, RUNIA Karl Barth's Doctrine of Holy Scripture, by Klass Runia (Eerdmans,...

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Review of Varieties of Christian Apologetics

Unpublished 230. Review of Varieties of Christian Apologetics (typed) [1962. Review of Varieties of Christian Apologetics, by Bernard Ramm. Christianity Today 20 Jul.] DREAM FOR STUDENTS Varieties of Christian Apologetics, by Bernard Ramm (Baker, 1961, 199 pp.,...

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Review of Karl Barth on God

Unpublished 231. Review of Karl Barth on God (typed) [1963. Review of Karl Barth on God, by Sebastian A. Matczak. Christianity Today 1 Mar.] STILL TOO MUCH Karl Barth on God, by Sebastian A Matczak (St. Paul Publications, 1962, 358 pp., $5.75), is reviewed by Gordon...

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Review of Theories of Revelation

Unpublished 232. Review of Theories of Revelation (typed) [1963. Review of Theories of Revelation, by H.C. McDonald. Christianity Today 13 Sep.] QUICK SURVEY Theories of Revelation, by H. D. McDonald (Allen & Unwin, 1963, 384 pp., 37s. 6d.). is reviewed by Gordon...

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Review of Myth and Truth

Unpublished 233. Review of Myth and Truth (typed) [1967. Review of Myth and Truth, by John Knox. Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (Summer).] Myth and Truth. By John Knox. Charlottesville, The University Press of Virginia, 1964. 87 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by...

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Review of The Coming World Civilization

Unpublished 200. One Religion, The Coming World Civilization (typed) [1958. Review of The Coming World Civilization, by William Ernest Hocking. Christianity Today (May 26).] One Religion? The Coming World Civilization, by William Ernest Hocking. Harper, 1956. $3.75...

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