Review of Tennant’s Philosophical Theology

Unpublished 207. Tennant's Philosophical Theology (typed) [1941. Review of Tennant’s Philosophical Theology, by Delton Lewis Scudder. Westminster Theological Journal.] Delton Lewis Scudder: Tennant's Philosophical Theology. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1940. xiv,...

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Review of The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure

Unpublished 206. The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure (typed) [1938. Review of The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure, by Etienne Gilson. Westminster Theological Journal Nov.] Etienne Gilson: The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure. Translated by I. Trethowan and F. J. Sheed....

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Review of Faith Seeks Understanding

Unpublished 205. Faith Seeks Understanding (typed) [1973. Review of Faith Seeks Understanding by Arthur F. Holmes, Westminster Theological Journal, 36(1), 117–119.] Arthur F. Holmes: Faith Seeks Understanding. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1971, 175 pp. $2.95....

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