American Culture by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 134. American Culture (typed)   [1959. Bible Presbyterian Reporter Mar. and 1961. The Southern Presbyterian Journal, 10–11.] American Culture Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D. MISS VERNA M. HALL had been invited to speak to a small P. T. A. meeting. When the...

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Dr. Clark Dissents

Unpublished 179. Dr. Clark Dissents (typed) [1947. The Calvin Forum (May)] DR. CLARK DISSENTS 3429 Guilford Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., April 22, 1947 Dr. Clarence Bouma, Editor THE CALVIN FORUM, Dear Sir, IN the April 1947 of THE CALVIN FORUM on page 198, Mr. Edward...

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Protestants Look! by Gordon H. Clark

  Unpublished 129. Protestants Look! (typed) [1949. Protestants Look! The Witness Oct: 3-4] Protestants, Look! Gordon H Clark The popular magazine Look in the issue of August 2 ran an article by Agnes E. Meyer entitled “Why Protestants Need to Wake Up.” At the...

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A Hint for Personal Workers

Unpublished 171. A Hint for Personal Workers (original) Unpublished 171. A Hint for Personal Workers (typed) [c. 1940s A Hint for Personal Workers. The Christian Literature Association. From a collection tracts likely written by Clark. Additionally, this tract is...

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Review of From Platonism to Neoplatonism

Unpublished 172. From Platonism to Neoplatonism (typed) [1957. From Platonism to Neoplatonism. The New Scholasticism, 31(1), 113–114.] From Platonism to Neoplatonism. By Philip Merlan. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955. Pp. xv + 210, with index. 12 guilders. The...

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