Review of Parmenides

Unpublished 160. Parmenides (typed) [1946. “Parmenides” in Descriptive Notices, The Philosophical Review, Vol. 55, No. 3 (May) pp. 308-314.] PARMENIDES. Some Comments on his Poem. WILLEM JACOB VERDENIUS. Translated by A. FONTEIN. Groningen,–Batavia, Bij J. B. Wolters'...

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Comments and Criticisms by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 155. Comments and Criticisms (typed) [1937. Comments and Criticisms The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 34, No. 2. Jan. 21,pp. 53-56.] COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS In a recent issue of this JOURNAL, Vol. XXXIII (1936), pp. 617- 628, there was published a pleasantly...

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Review of Réalisme et Idéalism Chez Platon

Unpublished 168. Réalisme et Idéalisme Chez Platon (typed) [1952. Review of Réalisme et Idéalism Chez Platon, by Joseph Moreau. The Philosophical Review 61, No. 3 Jul.] REALISME ET IDEALISME CHEZ PLATON. By Joseph MOREAU. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951....

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Christ Before Pilate by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 147. Christ Before Pilate (typed) [1940. Christ Before Pilate. in “Not By Bread Alone: Wheaton College Chapel Talks” ed. Carl F.H. Henry.] CHRIST BEFORE PILATE By Dr. Gordon H. Clark, Ph. D. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College “Then Pilate...

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