Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago
[1962. Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago, Christianity Today, May 11, 1962, 35-36.] Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago The following is a report on the lectures delivered by Professor Karl Barth at the University of Chicago, April 23-27. Barth...
Review of Portrait of Karl Barth
[1964. Review of Portrait of Karl Barth, by George Casilas, The Presbyterian Journal 30 Sep.: 18.] PORTRAIT OF KARL BARTH, by Georges Casalis. Doubleday & Company, N. Y. 133 pp. $.95. Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. George...
Review of Evangelical Theology
[1963. Review of Evangelical Theology by Karl Barth, The Presbyterian Journal 8 May: 21.] EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY, by Karl Barth. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. New York. 206 pp. $4.00 Karl Barth, in spite of the fact that his abhorrence of Hitler has blinded him to...
Questions on Barth’s Theology
[Gordon Clark contributed to this article in Christianity Today, 3 July 1961, Vol. V, No. 20. For historical information it should be noted that Karl Barth never responded to Clark's questions.] Questions on Barth's Theology CHRISTIANITY TODAY has depicted the recent...
Intelligible Christianity by Gordon H. Clark
Intelligible Christianity [The Southern Presbyterian Journal, April 16, 1958, p. 8-10] Intelligible Christianity (Address given by Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D., before the Wayne Christian Fellowship I.V.F., Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan) At present time there...
Barth’s Critique of Modernism by Gordon H. Clark
Barth's Critique of Modernism [The following article originally appeared in Christianity Today, January 5, 1962, p. 11-13] Barth's Critique of Modernism GORDON H. CLARK Karl Barth's theological education was that of a typical liberal. But early in his career he turned...