Review of After Fundamentalism

Unpublished 154. Review of After Fundamentalism (typed)   [Fundamentalist Journal Jun. 1983. 52.]   After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology by Bernard Ramm Harper & Row, 1982, 262 pp. $14.95   Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark Professor...

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His People by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 169. His People (original) Unpublished 169. His People (typed)   [c. 1940s. Although the author of this document is not listed, this title (His People) and a section of the text was quoted as belonging to Gordon Clark by Herman Hoeksema in the...

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Review of Modern Thinkers Series

Unpublished 164. Modern Thinkers Series (typed) [1961. Modern Thinkers Series by David H. Freeman, The Presbyterian Journal 28 Jun.: 19.] MODERN THINKERS SERIES, ed. By David H. Freeman. Presbyterian and Reformed Publ. Co., Box 185, Nutley, N.J. Paper, about 50 pp....

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Review of Anselm Fides Quaerens Intellectum

Unpublished 165. Anselm Fides Quaerens Intellectum (typed) [1961. Review of Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, by Karl Barth. The Presbyterian Journal. May 3.] ANSELM: FIDES QUAERENS INTELLECTUM, by Karl Barth. John Knox Press, Richmond, Va. 173 pp. $3.00. Anselm...

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Review of The Just War

Unpublished 166. The Just War (typed) [Review of The Just War: Force and Political Responsibilities, The Presbyterian Journal 5 Feb.: 18. 1969] THE JUST WAR, FORCE AND POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITIES, by Paul Ramsey, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, N.Y. 554 pp. $12.50....

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Review of The Philosophy of Proclus

Unpublished 167. The Philosophy of Proclus (typed) [Review of The Philosophy of Proclus, by Laurence Jay Rosán. The Philosophical Review 59, No. 3 Jul. 1950] THE PHILOSOPHY OF PROCLUS. The Final Phase of Ancient Thought. By LAURENCE JAY ROSAN, New York, “Cosmos,” 1949...

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