Review of Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Religion

Unpublished 158. Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Relgion (typed) [1972. Review of Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Religion, Keith E. Yandell, Christian Scholars Review Vol. 2 No. 2: 191-192.] KEITH E. YANDELL, Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Religion, Boston:...

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Review of Toward a Reformed Philosophy

Unpublished 163. Toward a Reformed Philosophy (typed) [Review of Toward a Reformed Philosophy: the Development of a Protestant Philosophy in Dutch Thought Since the Time of Abraham Kuyper, by William Young. The Journal of Philosophy Vol. 50, No. 5, 26 Feb. 1952.]...

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Review of Art and Society

Unpublished 162. Art and Society (typed) [Review of Art and Society, by Catherine Rau. The Philosophical Review 61, No. 2 Apr. 1952] ART AND SOCIETY. A Reinterpretation of Plato. By CATHERINE RAU. New York, Richard R. Smith, 1951. Pp. 88. $2.50. The chief aim of this...

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Review of Plotinus’ Search for the Good

Unpublished 161. Plotinus Search for the Good (typed)   [Review of Plotinus’ Search for the Good, by Joseph Katz. The Philosophical Review 60, No. 3 Jul 1951.] PLOTINUS' SEARCH FOR THE GOOD. By JOSEPH KATZ. New York, King's Crown Press, I950. PP.ix, io6. $2.50....

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Review of Plotinus' Search for the Good

Unpublished 161. Plotinus Search for the Good (typed)   [Review of Plotinus’ Search for the Good, by Joseph Katz. The Philosophical Review 60, No. 3 Jul 1951.] PLOTINUS' SEARCH FOR THE GOOD. By JOSEPH KATZ. New York, King's Crown Press, I950. PP.ix, io6. $2.50....

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