Artwork of Gordon H. Clark
Review of Creation and Evolution
[The Southern Presbyterian Journal, October 22, 1958] CREATION AND EVOLUTION. Jan Lever. Kregel's. $39.5 This book differs in several important respects from Clark's [Darwin: Before and After by Rober E. D. Clark]. It is more detailed and technical. Chapter IV. The...
List of Extant Correspondence of Gordon H. Clark
Notable Correspondents: Carl F. H. Henry: 240 J. Oliver Buswell: 149 John Robbins: 112 Familie Schulze (in German): 35 Edwin H. Rian: 25 Gresham Machen: 22 Edward Carnell: 17 Greg Reynolds: 16 Edgar A. Singer: 6 Cornelius Van Til: 5 Ned Stonehouse: 5 Paul Woolley: 4...
From Clark’s Papers
Here is an article from Clark's personal papers. The author of it is listed, but has been removed for the transcription here posted. The author is a theologian originally from England. And as I have not been able to track down the man to get approval from him on...
Untitled lecture transcript on Greek Philosophy
Transcript of tape of lecture [Untitled lecture transcript on Greek philosophy, Oct. 1974 at Geneva College] G.H.C: There are 92 elements up to uranium, all the natural elements. Artificial elements as plutonium (94) go up to 103. Some existing only a billionth of a...
Letter to the Reformed Presbyterian Reporter, vol. 100, no. 10 (October 1966)
Unfortunately, the Reformed Presbyterian Reporter in its August-September issue carried a book review commending a very anti-reformed, non-presbyterian book, Hannah Whitall Smith’s The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life. Hannah Smith was a Quaker, a Perfectionist, an...