The Bible is the Word of GOD Written
The Holy Spirit is a Person by Gordon H. Clark
Knowledge and Persons by Gordon H. Clark
AudioTranscript23.KnowledgeandPersons [Note. Of historical note, there are a number of persons identifiable in the audience of this lecture. Clark’s publisher John Robbins and his wife Linda. Clark’s soninlaw and founder of Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Dwight...
The Puritans and Situation Ethics by Gordon H. Clark
The Inerrancy of the Bible by Gordon H. Clark
Augustine’s City of God by Gordon H. Clark
Augustine's City of God by Gordon H. Clark
All family photos and articles authored by Dr. Gordon H. Clark on this website are the property of the Gordon Clark family. Any reproduction, retransmissions, or republication of all or part of any photo or article authored by Dr. Gordon H. Clark found on this site is expressly prohibited, unless the GHC Foundation has explicitly granted its prior written consent to reproduce, retransmit, or republish the material. All other rights reserved.