Jun 23, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Unpublished 270. Concerning Christian Aesthetics (typed) [Unpublished, n.d.] CONCERNING CHRISTIAN AESTHETICS Gordon H. Clark In the last few years the ostensibly evangelical community in this country has developed a rather lively interest in art. Christianity Today,...
Jun 23, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 27. Intellectual Defense of Christianity (typed) [unpublished paper of David Scott Clark] The Intellectual Defense of Christianity Lecture I. What Kind of a Being Am I? or Psychology and Religion. In presenting the subject today I start with this most...
Jun 22, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Encyclopedia 33. Truth (typed) [1960. In Baker’s Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.] TRUTH The first Christian theologian to attempt any systematic exposition of the concept of truth was Augustine. His immediate...
Jun 22, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Encyclopedia 36. Skepticism (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.: Canon Press.] SKEPTICISM. See also Doubt. Skepticism as popularly conceived means only a doubt or questioning attitude toward one thing or...
Jun 22, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Encyclopedia 58. William James (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.: Canon Press.] JAMES, WILLIAM. See also Pragmatism. William James (1842-1910) popularized Pragmatism. Ideas are said to be plans for...