Behaviorism by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 50. Behaviorism (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.: Canon Press.] BEHAVIORISM. See also Determinism. Behaviorism is an implication from materialism and as such is implicit in ancient...

Atheism by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 48. Atheism (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.: Canon Press.] ATHEISM. See also Skepticism; Theism. Atheism, etymologically, names a philosophic view that denies the existence of God. In...

Augustine by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 49. Augustine (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.: Canon Press.] AUGUSTINE. Unlike most philosophers, Augustine (354-430) lays great stress on ethics. In this, though in nothing else, he is...

Antithesis by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 47. Antithesis (typed) [1973. In Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.] ANTITHESIS. See also Irrationalism. Antithesis as a term in modern discussions almost always has an Hegelian background. For Hegel truth...

Trinity by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 46. Trinity (typed) [1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.] TRINITY. The early church, opposing polytheism with the OT teaching that there is only one God, was soon forced to ask, Who...