On the Minority Report by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 143. On The Minority Report (typed) [1946. Unpublished writing of Gordon H. Clark] On the Minority Report It seems to me necessary to call attention to certain paragraphs of the minority report. P. 36 The interrogation was directed so pointedly to the...

Philosophy by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 29. Philosophy (typed) Encyclopedia 29. Philosophy (typed – Indonesian) [1975, In Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.] PHILOSOPHY (φιλοσοφια, etymologically, love of...

Foreordination by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 21. Foreordination (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] FOREORDINATION, the act of establishing beforehand by appointment or decree, predestination. The...

Foreknowledge by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 20. Foreknowledge (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] FOREKNOWLEDGE. The term foreknowledge implies knowledge beforehand. It is clearly attributed to God...

On Christ's Second Coming by David S. Clark

DS Clark 26. On Christs Second Coming (typed) [Unpublished paper of Rev. David Scott Clark, n.d.] Paper on Christ’s Second Coming Christ’s Second Coming Preliminaries 1. This paper grew out of a former presentation of the subject and insufficient time and...