Jun 10, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 24. Christianity in its Modern Expression (typed) [1921. Christianity in Its Modern Expression. The Presbyterian. Sep. 21. 8-9, 26-27.] Christianity in Its Modern Expression—A Review By Rev. D.S. Clark D.D. Christianity in Its Modern Expression. By George...
Jun 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 28. Address Alumni Banquet [David S. Clark was a graduate of Mount Union College in Ohio in 1884.] Address of Alumni Banquet Alliance June 21, 1905 President, Fellow alumni, Ladies + Gentlemen. I represent the class of ’84, a class declared to be “fully...
Jun 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Unpublished 272. Religious Travelogue (typed) [The Witness, (c. 1954): 19-20.] Religious Travelogue Gordon H. Clark Although four months of tourism in half a dozen countries does not make one an expert on the religious conditions of nations visited, a short account of...
Jun 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Encyclopedia 31. The Enlightenment (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] ENLIGHTENMENT, THE, an 18th-century, largely French, anti-Christian, philosophical movement. The...
Jun 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
Encyclopedia 30. Stoics (typed) [1975, In Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House] STOICS stō´ ǐks ( Στωικοί ). The Stoics are mentioned in Acts 17:18, along with the Epicureans. In verse 28,...