Review of The Hymnody of the Christian Church

DS Clark 21. Review of The Hymnody of the Christian Church (typed) [The Presbyterian, Nov. 24, 1927] HYMNODY OF THE CHURCH The Hymnody of the Christian Church. By Louis F. Benson, D.D. George H. Doran Co.; $2.00. The book contains the lectures given on the Stone...

Paul a Modernist! by David S. Clark

DS Clark 19. Paul a Modernist (typed) [The Presbyterian, June 24, 1926] Paul a Modernist! By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. It is somewhat amusing as well as startling and astonishing to find modernists claiming Paul as one of their number. The modernist denies almost...

The Reality of Me by David S. Clark

DS Clark 18. The Reality of Me (typed [The Presbyterian, June 25, 1925] The Reality of Me By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. DO I exist, and if so, what am I? Does anything exist other than myself, and if so, how do I know? The questions which are answered by the child and...