Luther and Rome by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 195. Luther and Rome (typed) [1964. Luther and Rome. Christianity Today 27 Mar.] Luther and Rome Dr. Norman V. Hope, the distinguished professor of church history at Princeton Theological Seminary, seems to be totally unaware that his argument… is an...

Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant!

Unpublished 249. Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant (typed) [1975. Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant!, by Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. (“Toronto Scholarship”), Blue Banner Faith and Life (Jul.-Sep.). Reproduced by Permission of...

Review of The Challenge of Our Age

Unpublished 248. Review of The Challenge of Our Age (typed) [1974. Review of The Challenge of Our Age, by Hendrik Hart. Blue Banner Faith and Life (Oct.- Dec). Reproduced by Permission of Crown and Covenant Publications] THE CHALLENGE OF OUR AGE, by Hendrik Hart. The...

Review of The History of Religions

Unpublished 217. Review of The History of Religions (typed) [1960. Review of The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology, Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds. Christianity Today 15 Feb.] SCIENTIFIC BUT BIASED The History of Religions, Essays in Methodology,...

Review of A Philosophical Study of Religion

Unpublished 234. Review of A Philosophical Study of Religion (typed) [1964. Review of A Philosophical Study of Religion, by David Hugh Freeman. Christianity Today 23 Oct.] THE NATURE OF TRUTH A Philosophical Study of Religion, by David Hugh Freeman (Craig Press [Box...