Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago

[1962. Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago, Christianity Today, May 11, 1962, 35-36.] Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago The following is a report on the lectures delivered by Professor Karl Barth at the University of Chicago, April 23-27. Barth...

Review of Portrait of Karl Barth

[1964. Review of Portrait of Karl Barth, by George Casilas, The Presbyterian Journal 30 Sep.: 18.] PORTRAIT OF KARL BARTH, by Georges Casalis. Doubleday & Company, N. Y. 133 pp. $.95. Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. George...

Review of Evangelical Theology

[1963. Review of Evangelical Theology by Karl Barth, The Presbyterian Journal 8 May: 21.] EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY, by Karl Barth. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. New York. 206 pp. $4.00 Karl Barth, in spite of the fact that his abhorrence of Hitler has blinded him to...

Questions on Barth’s Theology

[Gordon Clark contributed to this article in Christianity Today, 3 July 1961, Vol. V, No. 20. For historical information it should be noted that Karl Barth never responded to Clark’s questions.] Questions on Barth’s Theology CHRISTIANITY TODAY has depicted...

Intelligible Christianity by Gordon H. Clark

Intelligible Christianity   [The Southern Presbyterian Journal, April 16, 1958, p. 8-10] Intelligible Christianity (Address given by Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D., before the Wayne Christian Fellowship I.V.F., Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan) At present time there...