Review of Dooyeweerd and the Amsterdam Philosophy

Unpublished 281. Review of Dooyeweerd and the Amsterdam Philosophy [Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] DOOYEWEERD and the AMSTERDAM PHILOSOPHY by Ronald H. Nash. Zondervan Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 109 pp., $2.50. The philosophy of Herman...

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Review of Jesus and the Christian by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 280. Review of Jesus and the Christian [Review of Jesus and the Christian, Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] JESUS AND THE CHRISTIAN by William Manson. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 236 pp. $5.95. Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark,...

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Review of The Society of the Future by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 279. Two Society of the Future [The Socieity of the Future, Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] Review of “The Society of the Future” by H. Van Riessen In analyzing our present society and in considering the possibilities for the near future,...

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Two Books on Theology by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 278. Two Books on Theology [Two Books on Theology, Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] Two Books on Theology Gordon H. Clark Essential Christianity by Walter R. Martin Zondervan, 1962; $1.95 and A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion...

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Review of The Case for Christianity by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 277. Review of The Case for Christianity [Review of The Case for Christianity, Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] The Case for Christianity, by Colin Chapman; pp. 313; Eerdmans, 1981. The Introduction states that the book was “developed for a...

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Review of Berkhouwer’s Doctrine of Election

Unpublished 276. Review of Berkhouwers Doctrine of Election [Review of Berkhouwer's Doctrine of Election, Sangre de Cristo Seminary Library. Unpublished] Berkhouwer's Doctrine of Election, by Alvin L. Baker, pp. Viiii + 204; Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,...

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