God's Countdown: 1960

Unpublished 191. God's Countdown 1960 (typed) [1959. God's Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today 21 Dec.] GOD'S COUNTDOWN: 1960 CHRISTIANITY TODAY'S 50 contributing editors, scattered around the globe, have been asked to asses the past year's impact of a...

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On the Value of Aesthetics by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 269. On the Value of Aesthetics (typed) [Unpublished Paper, n.d] On the Value of Aesthetics Gordon H. Clark Occasionally Christianity Today has published articles on the place of art in Christian experience. Another periodical almost specializes in this...

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Christendom’s Key Issue

Unpublished 142. Christendom's Key Issue (typed) [1959. Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars' Views (Contributor). Christianity Today 12 Oct.] Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars's View What is the most vital issue facing contemporary Christianity? Twenty-five...

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Christendom's Key Issue

Unpublished 142. Christendom's Key Issue (typed) [1959. Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars' Views (Contributor). Christianity Today 12 Oct.] Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars's View What is the most vital issue facing contemporary Christianity? Twenty-five...

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A Fresh Look at the Hypothesis of Evolution by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 149. A Fresh Look at The Hypothesis of Evolution (typed) [1958. A Fresh Look at the Hypothesis of Evolution. Christianity Today 1 Sep., Vol. II, No. 23.] A FRESH LOOK AT THE HYPOTHESIS OF EVOLUTION Gordon H. Clark The theory of evolution, as initiated by...

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Faith and Reason by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 186. Faith and Reason (typed) [1957. Faith and Reason. Christianity Today Feb. 18 and Mar. 4. Vol I., No. 10, and Vol I, No. 11] Faith and Reason Part I According to many Protestant writers, Roman Catholicism is seriously mistaken in making faith a mere...

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