Athanasius and the Trinity by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 275. Athanasius and The Trinity (typed) [These are rough notes, originally written with shorthand notation frequent.] The Trinity I Athanasius The basis of the Christian Faith is the doctrine of the trinity. Nothing is more fundamental. The Atonement,...

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Opportunities in Christian Schools by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 271. Opportunities in Christian Schools (typed) [Printed in The Witness, c. 1949] Opportunities . . . in Christian Schools Gordon H. Clark A list of some of the opportunities which a teacher has in a Christian school can serve two purposes. In the first...

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An Aesthetic Paradox in Greene by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 273. An Aesthetic Paradox in Greene (typed) G. H. Clark Bulter Univesity Indianapolis AN AESTHETIC PARADOX IN GREENE As T. R. Greene approaches the conclusion of his massive volume on The Arts and the Art of Criticism, the greater climax which the reader...

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Behind the Versions by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 274. Behind the Versions (typed) [Behind the Versions, by Gordon H. Clark, Unpublished. c. Dec. 1983] BEHIND THE VERSIONS Introduction. These days, if a person visits several churches, he can hardly predict what he will hear at the reading of the...

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Address Alumni Banquet by David S. Clark

DS Clark 28. Address Alumni Banquet [David S. Clark was a graduate of Mount Union College in Ohio in 1884.] Address of Alumni Banquet Alliance June 21, 1905 President, Fellow alumni, Ladies + Gentlemen. I represent the class of '84, a class declared to be “fully up to...

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