Concerning Justification by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 208. Concerning Justification (typed) [1973. Concerning Justification. Christianity Today Mar. 16.] Concerning Justification GORDON H. CLARK             To use a little scholastic terminology, the Protestant Reformation was based on, and evangelical...

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Authority in Religion by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 126. Authority in Religion (typed) [1949. Authority in Religion. The Witness Jul: 5-6.]   AUTHORITY IN RELIGION GORDON H. CLARK   THE pastor of a country church who thought that his people needed instruction called upon an outside speaker for a...

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Review of Words and Images

Unpublished 212. Review of Words and Images (typed) [1958. Review of Words and Images, by E.L. Mascall. Christianity Today 18 Aug.]   COMPELLING SUBJECT   Words and Images, by E. L. Mascall, Ronald, 1957. 132 pp., $3.50.   This is both an interesting...

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Review of Late Medieval Mysticism

Unpublished 211. Review of Late Medieval Mysticism (typed) [1958. Review of Late Medieval Mysticism, Ray C. Petry, ed. Christianity Today 12 May.]   ANTHOLOGY OF MYSTICS Late Medieval Mysticism, edited by Ray C. Petry, Westminster Press, 1957. 424 pp. $5.00. This...

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Review of Conflict with Rome

Unpublished 210. Review of Conflict with Rome (typed) [1958. Review of Conflict with Rome, by G.C. Berkouwer. Christianity Today 17 Feb.]   GENTLE CONFLICT Conflict with Rome, by G. C. Berkouwer, transd. By D. H. Freeman, Presbyterian and Reformed, Philadelphia, 1957,...

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Review of Albert Schweitzer

Unpublished 213. Review of Albert Schweitzer (typed) [1958. Review of Albert Schweitzer, by Jacques Feschotte. Christianity Today 1 Sep.] GENIUS AT WORK Albert Schweitzer, by Jacques Feschotte (Beacon Press, 130 pp., $2.50) is reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, chairman of...

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