Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas
Unpublished 244. Review of Sacra Doctrina (typed) [1970. Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson. Christianity Today 9 Oct.] DESERVES A PATIENT READING Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson...
Gnosticism and Modernism By Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 264. Gnosticism and Modernism (typed) [The Presbyterian & Herald and Presbyterian. Philadelphia, September 17, 1925] Gnosticism and Modernism By Gordon H. Clark ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ Some scientist, laboriously investigating to keep...
And Still Our Ancient Foe by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 128. And Still Our Ancient Foe (typed) [1946. And Still Our Ancient Foe, The Witness Oct., 6, 12] And Still Our Ancient Foe Gordon H. Clark IN THE month of October Protestants sometimes celebrate Reformation Sunday. Perhaps the Lutherans observe this day...
Review of The Platonic Legend
Unpublished 247. Review of The Platonic Legend (typed) [1935. Review of The Platonic Legend, by Warner Fite. The New Scholasticism Jan.] The Platonic Legend. By WARNER FITE. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. Viii + 331. Iconoclasm has its charms—for those who...
Review of Scepticism and Historical Knowledge
Unpublished 256. Review of Scepticism and Historical Knowledge (typed) [1966. Review of Scepticism and Historical Knowledge, by Jack W. Meiland. The Gordon Review (Spring).] Scepticism and Historical Knowledge, by Jack W. Meiland. New York: Random House, 1965, 209 pp....
The Problem of Motion by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 259. The Problem of Motion (typed) [The Gordon Review Winter 1958.] THE PROBLEM OF MOTION Gordon H. Clark Among those who accept and defend the historic position of Protestantism, interest has recently increased in the philosophy of science. This interest...