The Modernist’s Creed by David S. Clark

DS Clark 16. The Modernists Creed (original) DS Clark 16. The Modernists Creed (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 13, 1924] The Modernist's Creed By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. The following statements from leading modernists show their position on the great doctrinal...

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The Modernist's Creed by David S. Clark

DS Clark 16. The Modernists Creed (original) DS Clark 16. The Modernists Creed (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 13, 1924] The Modernist's Creed By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. The following statements from leading modernists show their position on the great doctrinal...

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Logic and Language by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 252. Logic and Language (typed) [1956. Logic and Language, The Gordon Review Vol. II No. 1 Feb.] LOGIC AND LANGUAGE GORDON H. CLARK In contrast with the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, in contrast also with the earlier modern systems of Spinoza...

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How to Let the Bible Confuse You by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 263. How to Let the Bible Confuse You (typed) [1972. Review of Understanding the Scripture, by A.H. DeGraaff and C.G. Seerveld. (“How to Let the Bible Confuse You”), Episcopal Recorder Feb.] How to Let the Bible Confuse You Prof. Gordon Haddon Clark, Ph.D....

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Review of Basic Beliefs

DS Clark 15. Review of Basic Beliefs (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] Basic Beliefs. By H. Maldwyn Hughes, President of Wesley College. Cambridge, England. The Abingdon Press. In this book, President Hughes presents a brief statement of his theological...

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Review of Whittlers of the Word of God

DS Clark 14. Review of Whittlers of the Word of God (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 27, 1930] Whittlers of the Word of God. By Perry W. Sinks. Fleming H. Revell Company; 40 cents. This is a small book of 59 pages. The title is striking and expressive, and applicable...

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