“What is Your Goal?” is an article from Dr. Gordon H. Clark’s papers. Both the original scan and a transcribed document are here made available. If you notice any typos on the typed document please email the administrator at douglasdouma@yahoo.com.

**Items from the unpublished papers of Dr. Gordon H. Clark should not be considered his definitive statement on the particular topic addressed. These papers are being provided for educational value. For Dr. Clark’s official positions consult his published writings.**

Unpublished 83. What is Your Goal? (original)

Unpublished 83. What is Your Goal? (typed)


Notes: From the papers of Dr. Gordon H. Clark from The Home Evangel, February 1945, Vol. 6, No. 2.


Recently a multi-millionaire died. His stocks and bonds and deposits were distributed according to his will. Then the luxurious furnishings of his palatial home were sold at auction. One of the buyers struck up an acquaintance with the major-domo, who was helping to keep things in order. “Tell me,” said the buyer, “what sort of a man was the old gentleman – personally, I mean”? “Well,” replied the major-domo, “suppose that window across the hall is your goal; if your father gets in your way, push him out; if your mother gets in your way, step on her.” “So,” said the buyer, “and what was the old gentleman’s goal?” Like a flash and with utter finality the major-domo answered: “MONEY!”

How many of us, even if we are not so successful as the multi-millionaire, have the same goal and act on the same principles? Or do we have a slightly different goal – fame, power, pleasure – and trample people down to get it? And when we are dead, as that rich old man now is, what then? A man with a far different outlook on life said this: “WHOM HAVE I IN HEAVEN BUT THEE? AND THERE IS NONE UPON EARTH THAT I DESIRE BESIDE THEE. MY FLESH AND MY HEART FAILETH; BUT GOD IS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART, AND MY PORTION FOREVER” (Psalm 73:25). And the Lord Jesus Christ said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: (and where the auctioneer sells off the remainder); but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven … for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” WHERE IS YOUR HEART?