To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace
Unpublished 177. To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace (original) Unpublished 177. To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace (typed) [c. 1940s. From a collection of tracts likely written by Gordon Clark] PRAISE permeates the Bible. In the first chapter of Ephesians...
Review of Christianity and World Issues
Unpublished 185. Christianity and World Issues (typed) [1957. Symposium of One. Review of Christianity and World Issues, by T.B. Maston. Christianity Today 14 Oct.] SYMPOSIUM OF ONE Christianity and World Issues, by T.B. Maston, Macmillan, New York, 1957. $5.00. In...
Study in Apologetics, A Review of Christian Commitment
Unpublished 183. Study in Apologetics (typed) [1957. Study in Apologetics. Review of Christian Commitment: An Apologetic, by Edward John Carnell. Christianity Today 2 Sep., pp. 36-38.] STUDY IN APOLOGETICS Christian Commitment: An Apologetic, by Edward John...
The Resurrection by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 182. The Resurrection (typed) [1957. The Resurrection. Christianity Today 15 Apr. Vol. I, No. 14. pp. 17-19.] Few Protestant scholars today are at home both in the history of theology and the history of philosophy. Gordon H. Clark is among the few....
Review of Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy
Unpublished 181. Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy (typed) [1957. Antithesis. Review of Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy, by Richard Kroner. Christianity Today 18 Mar.] ANTITHESIS Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy, by Richard Kroner. Westminster....
Protestant Precedent by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 184. Protestant Precedent (typed) [1957. Protestant Precedent. Christianity Today 9 Dec.] PROTESTANT PRECEDENT The article on “What is Christian Separation” (Nov. 11 issue) argues that Paul's admonition to the Corinthians did not justify them, and...
Challenge and Response
Unpublished 180. Challenge and Response (typed) [1957. Challenge and Response. Christianity Today (7 Jan).] CHALLENGE AND RESPONSE Will Gordon H. Clark answer this question in print: If the virgin birth is as essential as the Incarnation in Christian belief, why does...
A Reference to Plotinus in Liddell and Scott by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 157. A Reference to Plotinus in Liddell And Scott (typed) [1944. A Reference to Plotinus in Liddell and Scott. The American Journal of Philology Jul. Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 244-245.] A REFERENCE TO PLOTINUS IN LIDDELL AND SCOTT In the 1940 edition of Liddell...
American Culture by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 134. American Culture (typed) [1959. Bible Presbyterian Reporter Mar. and 1961. The Southern Presbyterian Journal, 10–11.] American Culture Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D. MISS VERNA M. HALL had been invited to speak to a small P. T. A. meeting. When the...
Dr. Clark Dissents
Unpublished 179. Dr. Clark Dissents (typed) [1947. The Calvin Forum (May)] DR. CLARK DISSENTS 3429 Guilford Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., April 22, 1947 Dr. Clarence Bouma, Editor THE CALVIN FORUM, Dear Sir, IN the April 1947 of THE CALVIN FORUM on page 198, Mr. Edward...
Protestants Look! by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 129. Protestants Look! (typed) [1949. Protestants Look! The Witness Oct: 3-4] Protestants, Look! Gordon H Clark The popular magazine Look in the issue of August 2 ran an article by Agnes E. Meyer entitled “Why Protestants Need to Wake Up.” At the...
A Hint for Personal Workers
Unpublished 171. A Hint for Personal Workers (original) Unpublished 171. A Hint for Personal Workers (typed) [c. 1940s A Hint for Personal Workers. The Christian Literature Association. From a collection tracts likely written by Clark. Additionally, this tract is...
Review of From Platonism to Neoplatonism
Unpublished 172. From Platonism to Neoplatonism (typed) [1957. From Platonism to Neoplatonism. The New Scholasticism, 31(1), 113–114.] From Platonism to Neoplatonism. By Philip Merlan. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955. Pp. xv + 210, with index. 12 guilders. The...
Review of Parmenides
Unpublished 160. Parmenides (typed) [1946. “Parmenides” in Descriptive Notices, The Philosophical Review, Vol. 55, No. 3 (May) pp. 308-314.] PARMENIDES. Some Comments on his Poem. WILLEM JACOB VERDENIUS. Translated by A. FONTEIN. Groningen,–Batavia, Bij J. B. Wolters'...
Review of The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in the Philosophy of Plotinus
Unpublished 159. The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in the Philosophy of Plotinus (typed) [1941. Review of The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in the Philosophy of Plotinus, by A.H. Armstrong. The Philosophical Review 50, No. 6, Nov.] The...
Comments and Criticisms by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 155. Comments and Criticisms (typed) [1937. Comments and Criticisms The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 34, No. 2. Jan. 21,pp. 53-56.] COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS In a recent issue of this JOURNAL, Vol. XXXIII (1936), pp. 617- 628, there was published a pleasantly...
Review of Réalisme et Idéalism Chez Platon
Unpublished 168. Réalisme et Idéalisme Chez Platon (typed) [1952. Review of Réalisme et Idéalism Chez Platon, by Joseph Moreau. The Philosophical Review 61, No. 3 Jul.] REALISME ET IDEALISME CHEZ PLATON. By Joseph MOREAU. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951....
The Nature of the Physical Universe by Gordon H. Clark
PDF: Unpublished 137. The Nature of the Physical Universe (typed)
Christ Before Pilate by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 147. Christ Before Pilate (typed) [1940. Christ Before Pilate. in “Not By Bread Alone: Wheaton College Chapel Talks” ed. Carl F.H. Henry.] CHRIST BEFORE PILATE By Dr. Gordon H. Clark, Ph. D. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College “Then Pilate...
Review of After Fundamentalism
Unpublished 154. Review of After Fundamentalism (typed) [Fundamentalist Journal Jun. 1983. 52.] After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology by Bernard Ramm Harper & Row, 1982, 262 pp. $14.95 Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark Professor...
His People by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 169. His People (original) Unpublished 169. His People (typed) [c. 1940s. Although the author of this document is not listed, this title (His People) and a section of the text was quoted as belonging to Gordon Clark by Herman Hoeksema in the...
Review of Modern Thinkers Series
Unpublished 164. Modern Thinkers Series (typed) [1961. Modern Thinkers Series by David H. Freeman, The Presbyterian Journal 28 Jun.: 19.] MODERN THINKERS SERIES, ed. By David H. Freeman. Presbyterian and Reformed Publ. Co., Box 185, Nutley, N.J. Paper, about 50 pp....
Review of Anselm Fides Quaerens Intellectum
Unpublished 165. Anselm Fides Quaerens Intellectum (typed) [1961. Review of Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, by Karl Barth. The Presbyterian Journal. May 3.] ANSELM: FIDES QUAERENS INTELLECTUM, by Karl Barth. John Knox Press, Richmond, Va. 173 pp. $3.00. Anselm...
Review of The Just War
Unpublished 166. The Just War (typed) [Review of The Just War: Force and Political Responsibilities, The Presbyterian Journal 5 Feb.: 18. 1969] THE JUST WAR, FORCE AND POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITIES, by Paul Ramsey, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, N.Y. 554 pp. $12.50....
Review of The Philosophy of Proclus
Unpublished 167. The Philosophy of Proclus (typed) [Review of The Philosophy of Proclus, by Laurence Jay Rosán. The Philosophical Review 59, No. 3 Jul. 1950] THE PHILOSOPHY OF PROCLUS. The Final Phase of Ancient Thought. By LAURENCE JAY ROSAN, New York, “Cosmos,” 1949...