Review of Portrait of Karl Barth
[1964. Review of Portrait of Karl Barth, by George Casilas, The Presbyterian Journal 30 Sep.: 18.] PORTRAIT OF KARL BARTH, by Georges Casalis. Doubleday & Company, N. Y. 133 pp. $.95. Reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. George...
Review of Evangelical Theology
[1963. Review of Evangelical Theology by Karl Barth, The Presbyterian Journal 8 May: 21.] EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY, by Karl Barth. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. New York. 206 pp. $4.00 Karl Barth, in spite of the fact that his abhorrence of Hitler has blinded him to...
Questions on Barth’s Theology
[Gordon Clark contributed to this article in Christianity Today, 3 July 1961, Vol. V, No. 20. For historical information it should be noted that Karl Barth never responded to Clark's questions.] Questions on Barth's Theology CHRISTIANITY TODAY has depicted the recent...
Intelligible Christianity by Gordon H. Clark
Intelligible Christianity [The Southern Presbyterian Journal, April 16, 1958, p. 8-10] Intelligible Christianity (Address given by Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D., before the Wayne Christian Fellowship I.V.F., Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan) At present time there...
Barth’s Critique of Modernism by Gordon H. Clark
Barth's Critique of Modernism [The following article originally appeared in Christianity Today, January 5, 1962, p. 11-13] Barth's Critique of Modernism GORDON H. CLARK Karl Barth's theological education was that of a typical liberal. But early in his career he turned...
Artwork of Gordon H. Clark
List of Extant Correspondence of Gordon H. Clark
Notable Correspondents: Carl F. H. Henry: 240 J. Oliver Buswell: 149 John Robbins: 112 Familie Schulze (in German): 35 Edwin H. Rian: 25 Gresham Machen: 22 Edward Carnell: 17 Greg Reynolds: 16 Edgar A. Singer: 6 Cornelius Van Til: 5 Ned Stonehouse: 5 Paul Woolley: 4...
Untitled lecture transcript on Greek Philosophy
Transcript of tape of lecture [Untitled lecture transcript on Greek philosophy, Oct. 1974 at Geneva College] G.H.C: There are 92 elements up to uranium, all the natural elements. Artificial elements as plutonium (94) go up to 103. Some existing only a billionth of a...
Review of Creation and Evolution
[The Southern Presbyterian Journal, October 22, 1958] CREATION AND EVOLUTION. Jan Lever. Kregel's. $39.5 This book differs in several important respects from Clark's [Darwin: Before and After by Rober E. D. Clark]. It is more detailed and technical. Chapter IV. The...
Letter to the Reformed Presbyterian Reporter, vol. 100, no. 10 (October 1966)
Unfortunately, the Reformed Presbyterian Reporter in its August-September issue carried a book review commending a very anti-reformed, non-presbyterian book, Hannah Whitall Smith’s The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life. Hannah Smith was a Quaker, a Perfectionist, an...
Is Christianity a Religion, Part 2 by Gordon H. Clark
[From the Gordon-Conwell Lectures on Apologetics, 1981.] Is Christianity a Religion, Part 2 Gordon H. Clark I was in the midst of describing two methods of studying religion. They are certainly the two most used methods. I’m inclined to say they’re the...
The Proposal to Abolish the RPCES, by Gordon H. Clark
[From the papers of Gordon H. Clark at the Sangre de Cristo Seminary.] The Proposal to Abolish the RPCES Ecumenicism with its mergers, proposed mergers, and delicate initial consultations of churches and denominations has been a noticeable development of this...
Local Clergyman Rejects Pacifism Of Church Bodies – Indianapolis News – July 7, 1967
[A note in prior issue of the newspaper reads: “To Preach – Dr. Gordon Clark, head of the philosophy department at Butler University, will speak on 'Total Victory in Vietnam' at 10:45 a.m. tomorrow at the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, 79th and Allisonville Road....
Is Christianity a Religion, Part 1. By Gordon H. Clark
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 2 by Gordon H. Clark
Veridicalism by Gordon H. Clark
Examination in Theology of Gordon H. Clark
[This is Gordon Clark's examination before Presbytery in 1944 in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church which led to his ordination. Theological questions which later appear in The Complaint are first evidenced in this document.] Examination in Theology of Gordon H. Clark
Is Christianity a Religion, Part 3 by Gordon H. Clark
Empiricism by Gordon H. Clark
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 1 by Gordon H. Clark
Language, Truth, and Revelation, Part 3 by Gordon H. Clark
Regeneration by Gordon H. Clark
The Holy Spirit is a Person by Gordon H. Clark
Knowledge and Persons by Gordon H. Clark
AudioTranscript23.KnowledgeandPersons [Note. Of historical note, there are a number of persons identifiable in the audience of this lecture. Clark’s publisher John Robbins and his wife Linda. Clark’s soninlaw and founder of Sangre de Cristo Seminary, Dwight...
The Puritans and Situation Ethics by Gordon H. Clark