“A Sure Foundation in a Time of Upheaval” is an article from Dr. Gordon H. Clark’s papers. Both the original scan and a transcribed document are here made available. If you notice any typos on the typed document please email the administrator at douglasdouma@yahoo.com.
**Items from the unpublished papers of Dr. Gordon H. Clark should not be considered his definitive statement on the particular topic addressed. These papers are being provided for educational value. For Dr. Clark’s official positions consult his published writings.**
Unpublished 52. A Sure Foundation in a Time of Upheaval (original)
Unpublished 52. A Sure Foundation in a Time of Upheaval (typed)
Notes: An article of Dr. Gordon H. Clark from The Home Evangel, April, 1946, Vol. 7, No. 4.
A SURE FOUNDATION in a Time of Upheaval
In the attacks made against orthodox Christianity by humanists, modernists and any others who do not put their trust in Christ’s shed blood there is one subject that is frequently avoided. It is the historic fact of Christ’s resurrection from the grave.
Some people argue that history and religion have nothing much in common, and so it is not necessary to consider the facts of Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection. These people might say that the resurrection is a picturesque way of representing the triumph of good over evil, just as Santa Claus represents a jolly Christmas spirit.
But more than five hundred early Christians testified that they had seen Christ walking around, alive, after His burial – they had talked with Him and eaten with Him. They maintained their testimony through persecution. They died rather than deny the facts. They pointed to the empty tomb, and the unbelievers of that day had no answer but persecution.
In these days of unbelief, in these days of social and political upheaval when civilization totters, in these days when sinners must soon face a God of righteousness, it is good to have a religion based on historic facts. Many people hope for Heaven, but they have no foundation for their hope; they are simply whistling in the dark.
The Christian, that is, the person who relies on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for salvation, has a sure foundation for his hope of Heaven, for Christ is not dead,
Christ is Risen.
– G.H.C.