Carneades by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 35. Carneades (typed) [1949. In Collier’s Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] CARNEADES (c. 214-129 B.C.). Greek philosopher, the founder of the New Academy, and an able skeptical opponent of the Stoics, was born at Cyrene. He studied...

Alexandrian School by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 34. Alexandrian School (typed) [1949. In Collier’s Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL, the general designation of tendencies in literature, philosophy, and art that arose in Alexandria, Egypt, especially in the fist...

God's Countdown: 1960

Unpublished 191. God’s Countdown 1960 (typed) [1959. God’s Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today 21 Dec.] GOD’S COUNTDOWN: 1960 CHRISTIANITY TODAY’S 50 contributing editors, scattered around the globe, have been asked to asses the...

God’s Countdown: 1960

Unpublished 191. God’s Countdown 1960 (typed) [1959. God’s Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today 21 Dec.] GOD’S COUNTDOWN: 1960 CHRISTIANITY TODAY’S 50 contributing editors, scattered around the globe, have been asked to asses the...

On the Value of Aesthetics by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 269. On the Value of Aesthetics (typed) [Unpublished Paper, n.d] On the Value of Aesthetics Gordon H. Clark Occasionally Christianity Today has published articles on the place of art in Christian experience. Another periodical almost specializes in this...