Antithesis by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 47. Antithesis (typed) [1973. In Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington D.C.] ANTITHESIS. See also Irrationalism. Antithesis as a term in modern discussions almost always has an Hegelian background. For Hegel truth resided...

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Trinity by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 46. Trinity (typed) [1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.] TRINITY. The early church, opposing polytheism with the OT teaching that there is only one God, was soon forced to ask, Who...

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Neo-orthodoxy by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 45. Neo-Orthodoxy (typed) [1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.] NEOORTHODOXY. Neoorthodoxy, Barthianism, dialectical theology, or the theology of the Word came into existence because...

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Liberalism by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 44. Liberalism (typed) [1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.] LIBERALISM. Liberalism or, as it is more popularly called, modernism is a system of religion which, rejecting the Bible as...

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Immutability by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 43. Immutability (typed) [1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.] IMMUTABILITY. The term appears in the KJV in Heb. 6:17-18: “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs...

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Diogenes by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 42. Diogenes (typed) [1950. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] DIOGENES (c. 412-323 B.C.), Greek philosopher, was born in Sinope. Exiled from his native state for counterfeiting, he came to Athens about 350 B.C. As the most...

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Stoicism by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 41. Stoicism (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] STOICISM. Founded by Zeno of Citium a little before 300 B.C. in Athens, Stoicism, along with Epicureanism, ushered in the new Hellenistic age in philosophy, and it was...

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Cleanthes by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 40. Cleanthes (typed) [1976. In Collier Encyclopedia, New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] CLEANTHES (c. 300-c. 220 B.C.), Greek philosopher, was born at Assos in the Troad. He came to Athens and attended the lectures of Crates the Cynic and Zeno the Stoic....

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Plotinus by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 39. Plotinus (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] PLOTINUS (A.D. 205-270), philosopher and teacher, was born in Egypt, probably in A.D. 205. He studied at Alexandria under the philosopher Ammonius Saccas, took part in...

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Epictetus by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 38. Epictetus (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] EPICTETUS (c. A.D. 50-130), Greek philosopher, probably from Phrygia. His real name is not known, “Epictetus” being a Greek word meaning “acquired.” In his youth...

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Eclecticism by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 37. Eclecticism (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] ECLECTICISM, in philosophy, a variety of thought characterized by its adoption of principles from various or diverse systems of thought without intention of fusing...

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Carneades by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 35. Carneades (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] CARNEADES (c. 214-129 B.C.). Greek philosopher, the founder of the New Academy, and an able skeptical opponent of the Stoics, was born at Cyrene. He studied with...

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Alexandrian School by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 34. Alexandrian School (typed) [1949. In Collier's Encyclopedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.] ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL, the general designation of tendencies in literature, philosophy, and art that arose in Alexandria, Egypt, especially in the fist few...

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God’s Countdown: 1960

Unpublished 191. God's Countdown 1960 (typed) [1959. God's Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today 21 Dec.] GOD'S COUNTDOWN: 1960 CHRISTIANITY TODAY'S 50 contributing editors, scattered around the globe, have been asked to asses the past year's impact of a...

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God's Countdown: 1960

Unpublished 191. God's Countdown 1960 (typed) [1959. God's Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today 21 Dec.] GOD'S COUNTDOWN: 1960 CHRISTIANITY TODAY'S 50 contributing editors, scattered around the globe, have been asked to asses the past year's impact of a...

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Christendom’s Key Issue

Unpublished 142. Christendom's Key Issue (typed) [1959. Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars' Views (Contributor). Christianity Today 12 Oct.] Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars's View What is the most vital issue facing contemporary Christianity? Twenty-five...

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Christendom's Key Issue

Unpublished 142. Christendom's Key Issue (typed) [1959. Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars' Views (Contributor). Christianity Today 12 Oct.] Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars's View What is the most vital issue facing contemporary Christianity? Twenty-five...

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Faith and Reason by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 186. Faith and Reason (typed) [1957. Faith and Reason. Christianity Today Feb. 18 and Mar. 4. Vol I., No. 10, and Vol I, No. 11] Faith and Reason Part I According to many Protestant writers, Roman Catholicism is seriously mistaken in making faith a mere...

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Taxing the Churches

Unpublished 146. Taxing the Churches (original) Unpublished 146. Taxing the Churches (typed) [From Clark's file at the archives of Christianity Today, but no author listed. From the general approach of the article and the diction, it seems unlikely that it was penned...

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Philosophy by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 29. Philosophy (typed) Encyclopedia 29. Philosophy (typed - Indonesian) [1975, In Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.] PHILOSOPHY (φιλοσοφια, etymologically, love of wisdom)....

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Foreordination by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 21. Foreordination (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] FOREORDINATION, the act of establishing beforehand by appointment or decree, predestination. The...

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Foreknowledge by Gordon H. Clark

Encyclopedia 20. Foreknowledge (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] FOREKNOWLEDGE. The term foreknowledge implies knowledge beforehand. It is clearly attributed to God...

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