May 10, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 14. Review of Whittlers of the Word of God (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 27, 1930] Whittlers of the Word of God. By Perry W. Sinks. Fleming H. Revell Company; 40 cents. This is a small book of 59 pages. The title is striking and expressive, and applicable...
May 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 13. Review of The Soul Comes Back (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] The Soul Comes Back. By Joseph H. Coffin, Professor of Philosophy in Whittier College. Macmillan Co. The title of this book awoke in us great expectation. Professor William James...
May 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 12. Super-Behaviorism (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 6, 1930] SUPER-BEHAVIORISM By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. Readers and students of psychology are familiar with the term Behaviorism. This term and the system to which it is applied have been made familiar...
May 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 11. Review of The Dominion of Mind (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] The Dominion of Mind. By Uriel Buchanan. Christopher Publishing House. This is an exposition of Theosophy that would evidently satisfy Mrs. Besant or Madame Blavatsky. The system,...
May 9, 2015 | Writings of Gordon Clark
DS Clark 10. Dr. McCosh and Evolution (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 12, 1922] Dr. McCosh and Evolution By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. In your issue of December 8, your correspondent, Dr. D.J. Satterfield has given us an interesting article on Christian Evolution,...