Epicureanism by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 11. Epicureanism (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] EPICUREANISM. Founded about 300 B.C., Epicureanism accepted the earlier Cyrenaic principle that...
Empiricism by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 10. Empiricism (typed) [1968. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] EMPIRICISM, strictly speaking, is the theory of epistemology that bases all knowledge on experience or...
The Divine Attributes by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 9. Divine Attributes (typed) [1960. In Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.] ATTRIBUTES, THE DIVINE. The divine attributes are, in the language of ordinary conversation, simply the characteristics or...
Destiny by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 8. Destiny (typed) [1975, In Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.] DESTINY (מני) a pagan god, along with Fortune in Isaiah 65:11, ASV. One may guess that there is some...
Bonaventura by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 7. Bonaventura (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] BONAVENTURA, (1221-1274), RC Franciscan theologian. His family name was John Fidanza. He became a...
Augustine by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 6. Augustine (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354-430) Whereas some philosophers, such as Spinoza and Kant, led uneventful lives...
Aquinas by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 5. Aquinas (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] AQUINAS By his genius Thomas Aquinas persuaded the church to abandon Augustinianism in favor of the...
Apologetics by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 4. Apologetics (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] APOLOGETICS. In the middle of the second century, Justin Martyr, soon followed by other Christian...
Anselm by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 3. Anselm (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] ANSELM. (1033-1109), archbishop of Canterbury and “father of medieval scholasticism.” Born in Aosta...
Agnosticism by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 2. Agnosticism (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] AGNOSTICISM. From antiquity the term skepticism has been applied to the general denial of the...
Abelard by Gordon H. Clark
Encyclopedia 1. Abelard (typed) [1964. In Encyclopedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.] ABELARD, Pierre (also Abaelard, Abailard, and Abeilard—1079-1142), French scholastic philosopher and...
Concerning Justification by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 208. Concerning Justification (typed) [1973. Concerning Justification. Christianity Today Mar. 16.] Concerning Justification GORDON H. CLARK To use a little scholastic terminology, the Protestant Reformation was based on, and evangelical...
Authority in Religion by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 126. Authority in Religion (typed) [1949. Authority in Religion. The Witness Jul: 5-6.] AUTHORITY IN RELIGION GORDON H. CLARK THE pastor of a country church who thought that his people needed instruction called upon an outside speaker for a...
Review of Words and Images
Unpublished 212. Review of Words and Images (typed) [1958. Review of Words and Images, by E.L. Mascall. Christianity Today 18 Aug.] COMPELLING SUBJECT Words and Images, by E. L. Mascall, Ronald, 1957. 132 pp., $3.50. This is both an interesting...
Review of Late Medieval Mysticism
Unpublished 211. Review of Late Medieval Mysticism (typed) [1958. Review of Late Medieval Mysticism, Ray C. Petry, ed. Christianity Today 12 May.] ANTHOLOGY OF MYSTICS Late Medieval Mysticism, edited by Ray C. Petry, Westminster Press, 1957. 424 pp. $5.00. This...
Review of Conflict with Rome
Unpublished 210. Review of Conflict with Rome (typed) [1958. Review of Conflict with Rome, by G.C. Berkouwer. Christianity Today 17 Feb.] GENTLE CONFLICT Conflict with Rome, by G. C. Berkouwer, transd. By D. H. Freeman, Presbyterian and Reformed, Philadelphia, 1957,...
Review of Albert Schweitzer
Unpublished 213. Review of Albert Schweitzer (typed) [1958. Review of Albert Schweitzer, by Jacques Feschotte. Christianity Today 1 Sep.] GENIUS AT WORK Albert Schweitzer, by Jacques Feschotte (Beacon Press, 130 pp., $2.50) is reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, chairman of...
Review of Christ and the Christian
Unpublished 214. Review of Christ and the Christian (typed) [1959. Review of Christ and the Christian, by Nels F.S. Ferré. Christian Today 5 Jan.] CHRISTOLOGY BASED ON AGAPE Christ and the Christian, by Nels F.S. Ferre (Harper, 1958, 253 pp., $3.75) is reviewed by...
Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor
Unpublished 215. Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor (typed) [1959. Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor, by John A. Fitch. Christianity Today 22 Jun.] ORGANIZED LABOR Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor, by John A. Fitch...
Review of The Enforcement of Morals
Unpublished 236. Review of The Enforcement of Morals (typed) [1965. Review of The Enforcement of Morals, by Patrick Devlin. Christianity Today 8 Oct.] MORAL WELFARE STATE The Enforcement of Morals, by Patrick Devlin (Oxford, 1965, 139 pp., $4 or 25s.), is reviewed by...
Articles from the Wheaton Record
Unpublished 254. Articles from The Wheaton Record (typed)
Review of The Many-Faced Argument
Unpublished 242. Review of The Many Faced Argument (typed) [1968. Review of The Many-Faced Argument, John Hick and Arthur C. Magill, eds. Christianity Today 5 Jan.] ANOTHER LOOK AT ANSELM The Many-Faced Argument, edited by John Hick and Arthur C. McGill (MacMillan,...
Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas
Unpublished 244. Review of Sacra Doctrina (typed) [1970. Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson. Christianity Today 9 Oct.] DESERVES A PATIENT READING Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Erik Persson...
Gnosticism and Modernism By Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 264. Gnosticism and Modernism (typed) [The Presbyterian & Herald and Presbyterian. Philadelphia, September 17, 1925] Gnosticism and Modernism By Gordon H. Clark ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ Some scientist, laboriously investigating to keep...
And Still Our Ancient Foe by Gordon H. Clark
Unpublished 128. And Still Our Ancient Foe (typed) [1946. And Still Our Ancient Foe, The Witness Oct., 6, 12] And Still Our Ancient Foe Gordon H. Clark IN THE month of October Protestants sometimes celebrate Reformation Sunday. Perhaps the Lutherans observe this day...