Chronological List of the Writings of Gordon H. Clark
Thanks to Ryan Hedrich to compiling this detailed list of all of the writings of Gordon H. Clark. Chronological ClarkDownload
Faith and Presumption in Prayer
[RPCES Supplement, January 16, 1980, p. 2] Faith and Presumption in Prayer Gordon H. Clark In two passages on prayer Jesus makes such breath-taking promises that the modern Christian stands bewildered and the unbeliever turns away in scorn: “Whatsoever ye shall ask in...
Review of Greeks and the Irrational by Gordon H. Clark
[1953. Review of The Greeks and the Irrational, New Scholasticism 27 (1):118-120] The Greeks and the Irrational. By E. R. Dodds. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1951. Pp. ix + 327, with index. $5.00. If Greek culture was the triumph of rationalism, were the...
Bibliography of the Works of Gordon H. Clark
Scriptural Reference Combined Index of Gordon H. Clark Books
Scriptural Reference Combined Index of Gordon H. Clark Books ACPE – A Christian Philosophy of Education, 1946, 2nd ed. 1988AT – The Atonement, 1987, 2nd ed. 1996BP – Biblical Predestination, 1974CP – An Introduction to Christian Philosophy, 1968, 2nd ed. 1993EP –...
Moses and the Ecumenical Movement by Gordon H. Clark
The Resurrection by Gordon H. Clark
First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis by Gordon H. Clark
Logical Positivism and Neo-Orthodoxy by Gordon H. Clark
Ritschlianism by David S. Clark
David S. Clark "Ritschlianism." Union Seminary Review. (Jan) Vol. XL., No. 2 ClarkDS_1929_RitschlianismDownload
A Poem in Christianity Today
From Christianity Today, July 7, 1958 GHC_1958_HymnsDownload
Cooperative Evangelism
From Christianity Today, May 26, 1958 GHC_1958_Cooperative_EvangelismDownload
Nothing to Fear
From Christianity Today, March 18, 1957 GHC_1957_Nothing_to_FearDownload
Vacation Scenes
Vacation Scenes - Sept. 4 1950 - Pages 6 and 7Download [The United Presbyterian, Sept.4, 1950, p. 6-7] Vacation ScenesBy GORDON H. CLARK Member of Session, First Church, Indianapolis, Ind. THIS YEARthe family had a vacation such as it gets once in 10 years. We...
Will Rome Win?
Will Rome Win? March 20 1950 - Page 10 [The United Presbyterian, March 20, 1950, p. 10] Will Rome Win? By PROF. GORDON H. CLARK Department of Philosophy, Butler University [The writer of this article is an ordained minister, member of the Indiana Presbytery, and elder...
Does the Bible Forbid Ordination of Women? By Gordon H. Clark
Does the Bible Forbid Ordination of Women [The United Presbyterian, December 30, 1956, p. 9-10] Does the Bible Forbid Ordination of Women? By GORDON H. CLARK Department of Philosophy Butler University, Indianapolis WHEN JESUS said to Pilate, “He that delivered me unto...
Review of Principium Sapientiae The Origins of Greek Philosophic Thought by Gordon H. Clark
[1954. New Scholasticism 28 (2) (April): 243-245] Principium Sapientiae. The Origins of Greek Philosophic Thought. By F. M. Cornford. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1952. Pp. viii + 270, with index. $5.00. "The manuscript of the book, which is unfinished, was...
Questions on Kant
Gordon H. Clark, "Questions on Kant", Review of Metaphysics, Vol. V., No. 3., 1951, 473-476. PDF Here: Questions on Kant
Autobiography of James Armstrong Clark, late 19th century.
(page 1 The following is from handwritten sheets ( 15) of an autobiography by James Armstrong Clark. Blank and question marks indicate where the writing was unable to made out. (Cover page) Account of life of Rev. Jas A Clark written by himself You ask me to give...
A Modern Heresy by David S. Clark
[“A Modern Heresy," David S. Clark, The Presbyterian 107.32 (12 August 1937): 12-13.] A Modern Heresy David S. Clark A Modern Heresy By the Rev. David S. Clark, D. D. Prof. Virgilius Ferm, professor of Philosophy in the College of Wooster, Ohio, has recently issued a...
What Remains of the Old Testament – A Book Review, By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D.
[1928. "What Remains of The Old Testament?" - A Book Review. David S. Clark, 98.27 (5 July 1928): 6-8.] What Remains of the Old Testament What Remains of the Old Testament – A Book Review By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. PROF. GUNKEL begins with a quotation from...
“Modernism” [Letter to the Editor] David S. Clark
[1937. "Modernism" [Letter to the Editor] David S. Clark, The Presbyterian 107.47 (25 November 1937). p. 23] Modernism Modernism Editor The Presbyterian: In your issue of November 4, the first page and first paragraph quotes Thomas Reeve: "Christianity is a life. All...
Audio Transcript 15. Irrationalism by Gordon H. Clark
AudioTranscript 15 Irrationalism [From the Gordon-Conwell Lectures on Apologetics, 1981.] Irrationalism “The morbid Dane illustrates the dialectical difficulties. The evaporation of one truth into another.” And of course you’ve heard this in your studies of theology,...
More Questions on Barth’s Views
[1962. More Questions on Barth’s Views (Contributor). Christianity Today 5 Jan.] MORE QUESTIONS ON BARTH’S VIEWS It had been hoped that Dr. Karl Barth himself would make some answer to the questions put by Professors Clark, Klooster, and Van Til (July 3, 1961,...
Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago
[1962. Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago, Christianity Today, May 11, 1962, 35-36.] Special Report: Encountering Barth in Chicago The following is a report on the lectures delivered by Professor Karl Barth at the University of Chicago, April 23-27. Barth...