Review of The Platonic Legend

Unpublished 247. Review of The Platonic Legend (typed) [1935. Review of The Platonic Legend, by Warner Fite. The New Scholasticism Jan.] The Platonic Legend. By WARNER FITE. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. Viii + 331. Iconoclasm has its charms—for those who...

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Review of In the Beginning, God

Unpublished 255. Review of In the Beginning God (typed) [1958. Review of In the Beginning, God, by William M. Logan. The Gordon Review (Winter).]   In the Beginning, God, by William M. Logan. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1957. $1.50. Though small this is a significant...

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What Remains of the Old Testament?

DS Clark 22. What Remains of the Old Testament (typed) [The Presbyterian, July 5, 1928] “What Remains of the Old Testament?”- A Book Review By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. PROF. GUNKEL begins with a quotation from Nietzsche, whom he is fond of quoting, implying agreeably...

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Paul a Modernist! by David S. Clark

DS Clark 19. Paul a Modernist (typed) [The Presbyterian, June 24, 1926] Paul a Modernist! By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. It is somewhat amusing as well as startling and astonishing to find modernists claiming Paul as one of their number. The modernist denies almost...

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The Reality of Me by David S. Clark

DS Clark 18. The Reality of Me (typed [The Presbyterian, June 25, 1925] The Reality of Me By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. DO I exist, and if so, what am I? Does anything exist other than myself, and if so, how do I know? The questions which are answered by the child and...

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Logic and Language by Gordon H. Clark

Unpublished 252. Logic and Language (typed) [1956. Logic and Language, The Gordon Review Vol. II No. 1 Feb.] LOGIC AND LANGUAGE GORDON H. CLARK In contrast with the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, in contrast also with the earlier modern systems of Spinoza...

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Review of Basic Beliefs

DS Clark 15. Review of Basic Beliefs (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] Basic Beliefs. By H. Maldwyn Hughes, President of Wesley College. Cambridge, England. The Abingdon Press. In this book, President Hughes presents a brief statement of his theological...

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Review of Whittlers of the Word of God

DS Clark 14. Review of Whittlers of the Word of God (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 27, 1930] Whittlers of the Word of God. By Perry W. Sinks. Fleming H. Revell Company; 40 cents. This is a small book of 59 pages. The title is striking and expressive, and applicable...

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Review of The Soul Comes Back

DS Clark 13. Review of The Soul Comes Back (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] The Soul Comes Back. By Joseph H. Coffin, Professor of Philosophy in Whittier College. Macmillan Co. The title of this book awoke in us great expectation. Professor William James...

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Super-Behaviorism by David S. Clark

DS Clark 12. Super-Behaviorism (typed) [The Presbyterian, March 6, 1930] SUPER-BEHAVIORISM By Rev. David S. Clark, D.D. Readers and students of psychology are familiar with the term Behaviorism. This term and the system to which it is applied have been made familiar...

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Review of The Dominion of Mind

DS Clark 11. Review of The Dominion of Mind (typed) [The Presbyterian, January 9, 1930] The Dominion of Mind. By Uriel Buchanan. Christopher Publishing House. This is an exposition of Theosophy that would evidently satisfy Mrs. Besant or Madame Blavatsky. The system,...

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